Southern States Cannabis Legalization News

Legalization bills have been introduced in Louisiana, Alabama, Texas, South Carolina, and other states in the South. Do these bills have a chance or will reefer madness prevail? Chey Garrigan from Alabama Cannabis Industry Association stops by to update us on a bill that’s attempting to ban Delta-8 and Delta-10-THC. Also, pot stocks you should keep an eye on. Live today (and every Wednesday) at 2 PM CST!

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Shout out to @Corbin_Caleb for providing today’s Name That Strain!
Legalized marijuana in Louisiana? Northshore lawmaker proposes bill to make it happen (WWLTV)
Senate to consider amendment potentially harmful to Alabama hemp industry (Alabama Political Reporter)
This week, there are three hearings scheduled to address cannabis policy in Texas. (Texas NORML)
Sponsor of South Carolina Medical Cannabis Bill Says Reforms Are Close (Ganjapreneur)
SC medical marijuana bill likely to be defeated without debate (WPDE)
Marine vet condemns marijuana, says he ‘toked up’ in Kentucky & woke up in Kenya (Military Times)
Michigan County Declares It Won’t Prosecute People for Psychedelics and Weed Possession (Merry Jane)
NYPD gives cops new orders to let people smoke weed in public (Fox News)
Parallel officially enters Illinois with $155 million Windy City Cannabis acquisition (GrownIn)
Family Of OKC Marijuana Grow Owner Charged In Death Of Alleged Intruder Fights For His Freedom (News9)
He died in jail hours after a minor pot arrest. Now 7 corrections officers have been fired. (Texas Tribune)
Mexico Marijuana Legalization Bill Clears Key Senate Committee, With Floor Vote Expected This Month (Marijuana Moment)

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