Social Equity in New Mexico: New Step Towards Eradication of Injustice

social equity

New Mexico has been working hard to eradicate injustice. Legislatures have passed laws that pave the way towards paving the way towards a better social system. Prejudice, racism, and stereotyping have greatly affected people, and the government aims to end them. [yotuwp type=”videos” id=”FNJ_JSDTYKI” ] Social equity has been an issue when it comes to […]

Germany Rejected Marijuana Legalization

Germany Rejects Recreational Cannabis

Recently, Germany rejected marijuana legalization, proposed in the “German Cannabis Control Bill” by the initiative of the German Green Party. The bill proposed the removal of cannabis from the list of Scheduled drugs on its Narcotics Act (the Betäubungsmittelgesetz or BtMG), and to regulate cannabis in a similar way to alcohol, with adults from 18 […]

South Dakota Law Officers Sue to Overturn Cannabis Legalization

South Dakota Law Officers Sue to Overturn Cannabis Legalization

Pennington County Sheriff Kevin Thom and South Dakota Highway Patrol Superintendent Rick Miller filed a lawsuit against marijuana legalization in South Dakota on Friday. With this lawsuit, they challenge the constitutional amendment recently passed by South Dakota voters that established the legalization of recreational marijuana in the state. South Dakota Constitutional Amendment A was passed […]

The MORE Act – Analysis of its implications

The MORE Act

  Recently, in an emailed statement, House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer promised that the House would vote on the MORE Act in December, after postponing the MORE Act vote that was supposed to take place on September 21 indefinitely. At the time, it was reported that moderate Democrats expressed concern about voting on the MORE Act […]

Cannabis Activist: A Ghost In The Machine; Page 2

Ghost In the Machine

My first act of cannabis activism at 17 was sending money to Keiko Bonk’s campaign after reading about her campaign in High Times. It was only 5 dollars, but it’s what I could do. I always have felt it was essential to support people willing to be in power and support legalization. What better way […]

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