Ohio Senate Leader Rejects Recreational Cannabis Petition | Cannabis Legalization News

ohio cannabis legalization

Ohio Senate Leader Rejects Recreational Cannabis Petition In a setback for cannabis legalization advocates, Ohio Senate President Matt Huffman said Wednesday that he will not support a petition to legalize recreational marijuana. The statement from Huffman, a Republican, comes after organizers of the petition effort announced last month that they had gathered enough signatures to […]

Who, What, How to Legalize Cannabis?

Who, What, How to Legalize Cannabis_

Between Mexico and Canada, there’s a gap of common sense and unity. People reached out to us from prohibition states asking, “What can I do?”. I believe the effort to legalize marijuana is just like when a person is fighting for their freedom from the law; you are your own best advocate. I recommend first […]

New York Lawmakers Approve Governor’s Cannabis Regulatory Appointees

New York Governor Appoints Two Members for the Cannabis Control Board

New York Governor Appoints Two Members for the Cannabis Control Board New York cannabis legalization took a step forward last week when the newly inaugurated Gov. Kathy Hochul made two key appointments to oversee the state’s cannabis market that were quickly confirmed by the Senate during a special session. This comes shortly after the resignation […]

Hemp vs. CBD Marketing

Hemp Vs. CBD

Products are being advertised as being infused with Hemp rather than listing the cannabinoids. Is this a marketing reach around or simply marketing to a broader ignorant consumer?

We (At least I am) Are Getting Our Shit Together!

Men and Women At Work

On a good day, this message will hit a hundred thousand people, on a bad no one, that’s what happens when you do things on the internet, especially when you’re focused on the progression of one conversation, that’s why your network and reputation is so important, and in a 20 Billion dollar, legal tax-generating industry […]

How Can I Help to Legalize It?

How Can I legalize it

One of the most asked questions I get asked is “How can I help legalize it (marijuana or cannabis as it’s known in 2020)?”. This is a tough question to answer, especially when two things need to meet, timeliness and location.

10 Tips to Get Investors into your Cannabis Business

10 Tips to Get Investors into your Cannabis Business

Investment is of major importance for any cannabis entrepreneur. The cannabis industry has seen a major improvement over the last few years in terms of legality and sales. Cannabis has started to gain wider acceptance and has been legalized in a growing number of states, nations, and other jurisdictions for both medicinal and recreational use.

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